Hybrid Strain For Sale

Hybrid cannabis strains are plants with the combined characteristics of Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica, depending on their genetic lineage. In fact, most cannabis today is a hybrid marked as indica or sativa dominant rather than pure indica or sativa.

What is An Example of a Hybrid Strain?

Hybrid cannabis is created by crossing one variety with another (known as cultivars). This is achieved by breeding male and female plants of different strains. For example, a cannabis grower can cross a pure indica male with a pure female sativa to produce a 50/50 hybrid (such as NL5 x Haze).

What are The Effects of Hybrid Strains?

The effects of a hybrid strain can exhibit characteristics of both Sativa and Indica strains, which would make understanding since the hybrid comes from both. Side effects of a hybrid strain include an increase in energy followed by a feeling of tiredness, euphoria, and temporary happiness.

Are Hybrid Varieties Good?

Hybrids can be a great option for someone looking for a good balance between energy and calm. Some consumers may also lean toward hybrids after finding that their body reacts too strongly to a pure strain.

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Hybrid cannabis strains are plants with the combined characteristics of Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica, depending on their genetic lineage.