
CBD in Sports: Enhancing Sleep, Easing Inflammation, and Reducing Stress

CBD in Sports: Enhancing Sleep, Easing Inflammation, and Reducing Stress

You say cannabidiol, I say the wonder cannabinoid. As the area of research surrounding cannabidiol expands, the potential medical benefits of CBD continue to impress researchers. The research so far shows promising benefits of CBD in several areas from skin care to cardiovascular health. CBD in Sports: Enhancing Sleep, Easing Inflammation, and Reducing Stresss are no exception. 

Although there is still a lot of room for more information, preliminary experimentation has revealed that cannabidiol may help athletes in several different ways. It can assist them in enhancing their performance by improving their sleep, reducing inflammation caused by injuries, improving focus, and quickening the healing process by reducing inflammation.

Let’s explore in detail why professional athletes like Lolo Jones and others around the world are endorsing the use of CBD and how it can improve their performance.

Sleep Better, Play Harder

One of the main areas where cannabidiol can be of help for athletes is improving their sleep. Thanks to extensive workout routines, along with physical and mental pressure, it is common for athletes to experience periods of poor sleep. 

According to the National Library of Medicine, CBD can help athletes cope with their sleep-related issues through a multifaceted and wholesome approach. It may assist by:

  • Improving sleep continuity i.e. increasing the duration of uninterrupted continual sleep
  • Reducing sleep latency i.e. reducing the time they take to fall asleep which means attaining a quicker onset of sleep
  • Subsiding frequent insomnia
  • Enhancing sleep quality

In short, CBD works comprehensively to let athletes get the much-needed rest. And the importance of getting enough rest can never be stressed enough for getting better performance on the field. The better you sleep the fresher you feel both mentally and physically. 

Relieve Stress, Compete at a Higher Level

Stress is among the biggest challenges faced by athletes. Especially due to high competition events, they can physically and mentally feel stressed. This can undermine their ability to give their best performance. 

According to a couple of studies, CBD has a significant role in enhancing the effect of two of the most prominent mood-regulating compounds in the body. This leads to reduced stress and an improved level of confidence. Here is how it helps cope with stress:

  • Cannabidiol helps in reducing the absorption and breakdown of anandamide in the body. Anandamide is a wellbeing-related cannabinoid and its increased level in the brain due to low absorption makes you feel less stressed. 
  • Similarly, the impact of CBD on serotonin receptors is well established. It is known for reducing anxiety levels by activating the serotonin receptors.


Relieving stress and anxiety means you are better able to perform in the face of competition. These confidence-enhancing capabilities of CBD are among the top reasons why professional sportsmen across the globe are increasingly using CBD, especially CBD oil, for better performance. The best thing is, unlike antidepressants, CBD doesn’t cause addiction. 

Treat Inflammation-Recover Faster

Normally, after vigorous exercise, athletes may suffer from inflammation. Although inflammation is the body’s mechanism of dealing with muscle injury caused by strenuous activity, too much of it leads to pain and soreness. Hence, athletes facing inflammation cannot physically perform to their fullest unless they have recovered. 

  • Cannabidiol helps reduce inflammation and pain by minimizing the release of cytokines and cortisol.
  • It even helps against neuroinflammation.

To put it simply, CBD has proven efficacy against inflammation, sore muscles, and resulting pain. By speeding up the recovery process it lets you get back on your feet sooner so you can hit the field harder. 

How To Take Cannabidiol?

Depending on what you want to use it for, you can take CBD in several different ways. CBD tinctures are among the most commonly used products. However, muscle balms are increasingly becoming popular among athletes. These are effective against inflammation, injury, soreness, and pain. These topical CBD products have the same level of efficacy as taking CBD orally. 

CBD in Sports: Enhancing Sleep, Easing Inflammation, and Reducing Stress

If you want to make your CBD routine a bit more tasteful and enjoyable, how about CBD smoothies? Not very fond of smoothies, CBD in Sports: Enhancing Sleep, Easing Inflammation, and Reducing Stress try taking CBD coffee, or simply pop in CBD sweet treats to combine taste and health. 

Where CBD has promising benefits related to pain relief, kratom is also reported to offer relief from discomfort. Users report CBD helps relieve more generalized pain, but if you’re experiencing acute pain, kratom liquid and similar products may come in handy here. 

Things to Know Before Taking CBD

The majority of those who use CBD report very few long-term side effects. However, it can have some unwanted side effects under special circumstances. This is especially true for those who are embarking on their CBD journey for the first time. Here is what you need to be careful about while taking CBD products:

  • Cannabidiol can interfere with other medications. It can halt or affect their absorption. If you are already on some medication, consult your doctor before starting CBD supplements.
  • To avoid troubling side effects, it is always recommended to start with lower doses of CBD products and gradually increase the dose as your body gets used to it. 
  • As a beginner in using CBD, try avoiding it just before a competition. Once your body has adapted to the changes caused by CBD intake, you can then take it before or during an event. 
  • Research the cannabis store before you make a purchase, to ensure safe and quality products.

Legality of Cannabinoid in the Sporting World

One of the greatest concerns of athletes who want to use CBD to enhance their performance is whether it is legal and whether or not they will test positive in a drug test if they take CBD before a sporting event. 

Since we know now that it’s not CBD that makes you feel high, and the notorious THC is responsible for most of the positive test results, the regulations regarding the use of CBD are softening around the world in sporting circles. Thanks to the potential benefits of CBD, it is being accepted gradually as a beneficial compound for athletes. 

THC is still not accepted by major sporting organizations around the world, but since 2018, CBD has been omitted from the list of CBD in Sports: Enhancing Sleep, Easing Inflammation, and Reducing Stress prohibited substances.

CBD in Sports: Enhancing Sleep, Easing Inflammation, and Reducing Stress 

If you are concerned about testing positive for a drug test, rely only on those products that have CBD isolate. The full spectrum products CBD in Sports: Enhancing Sleep, Easing Inflammation, and Reducing Stress have THC along with CBD and hence using them will result in a positive result. 

To avoid the risk, make sure you rely only on certified suppliers of CBD products. Taking these products from unreliable and unregistered manufacturers may increase the risk of THC contamination or other unwanted qualities. Always read the labels before using any CBD-based product and stay assured it doesn’t have THC above the allowed limit.


As the research on CBD-based products for athletes is still in its preliminary stage, necessary caution should be taken while using these products. Most researchers, however, are confident about its efficacy against pain relief, reducing inflammation, stress relief, and speedy recovery. 

However, being cautious is always advisable. This is especially true for those who are new to the CBD world and haven’t used CBD products before. Be responsible, by researching where you buy from and consulting your healthcare professional before using.

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