
Cannabis Vaping Safety: How to Avoid Harmful Additives and Risks

Cannabis Vaping Safety: How to Avoid Harmful Additives and Risks

Cannabis use is becoming more popular and normalized throughout the United States. Because of this, there is a booming market that offers many modes of consumption. Cannabis vapes are becoming increasingly popular, with many people liking how discreet they are. However, many people also wonder which vapes are Cannabis Vaping Safety: How to Avoid Harmful Additives and Risks the safest to use. Additionally, some are asking if there are any risks involved with using cannabis vapes. 


Although the only way to avoid the risks of vapes is to not use them, there are ways to minimize them. Read on to learn about some risks, ways you can avoid harmful additives, and find high-quality, safe vape products.

Contaminants and Harmful Additives

Many have switched over from smoking cigarettes to nicotine vapes due to some perceived health benefits. However, there has been research about nicotine vapes containing high levels of toxic metals like arsenic and lead. This has led others to see if cannabis vapes have high levels as well. A study done in 2024 found that some THC vapes can have levels of toxic metals in them. However, it is not clear if any of those metals appear in the vapor you inhale. 

Another contaminant that caused a bit of a scare in the summer of 2019 is vitamin E acetate. When inhaled, vitamin E acetate can be harmful to your lungs. 

There are also other contaminants that could be present in your vape. Some vapes may contain pesticides or mold. That said, mold and pesticides can also be present in other cannabis products, such as gummies or regular flower. Contaminants can be a risk in many different products you use regularly, not just vapes.


As mentioned in the last section, poor, contaminated vapes can cause nofollowCannabis Vaping Safety: How to Avoid Harmful Additives and Risks illnesses that affect the respiratory system.

Cannabis Vaping Safety How to Avoid Harmful Additives and Risks

One major disease is COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Damage to the lungs causes inflammation, which limits airflow and restricts breathing. Symptoms include a wet cough, chest tightness, and weight loss. Unfortunately, COPD is not curable, but it is manageable.

A more recent disease that made headlines a couple of years ago is EVALI. EVALI stands for E-Cigarette, or Vaping, Product Use Associated Lung Injury. Doctors are still conducting research to see how this illness affects the lungs because it’s so new. Some symptoms include chest pain, coughing, nausea, and rapid heartbeat. 

How to Shop for Vapes

The good news is that there’s an easy way to prevent yourself from getting in harm’s way— buying a high-quality vape. Whether you like delta-8 disposable vapes or live rosin cartridges, these tips will help keep you safe.

Buy From a Reputable Seller

Whenever you buy a cannabis vape, buy it from a reputable seller or store. When you purchase from a place that is known for providing test results and sells legitimate (not counterfeit) vapes, you can be sure that the product you’re purchasing is high-quality. Ways to ensure that your seller is trustworthy includes reading reviews and looking for their contact information.  

Check If Your Vape is Counterfeit

Many popular brands on the market are copied and sold as counterfeit vapes. Furthermore, smaller brands may take note of bigger brands and try to copy their product design and packaging. Most reputable companies have a QR code that you can scan and verify your product. When you purchase a vape, scan the code to see if it takes you to their website.

Check For Test Results

Another best practice for reputable sellers is to provide test results. Results show the levels of metals, pesticides, molds, chemicals, and other possible contaminants in the vape. These are usually accessible on the seller’s website, or by a scannable QR code on the packaging. These test results can also tell you about things such as terpene and cannabinoid levels.

Other Ways to Stay Safe

Besides implementing these methods while shopping, there are other ways to stay healthy while vaping.

Do Not Share Your Vape

Sharing your vape can increase your risk of contracting diseases like the flu and COVID-19. Sometimes the mouthpiece can contain leftover saliva from the previous user, allowing for disease transmission. This applies to other smoking accessories too, such as glass pipes, mini bongs, and dab rigs. 

Properly Clean Your Vape

Properly cleaning your vape can greatly reduce your chances of getting sick. Many nasty things can get caught in your mouthpiece if you are using (and storing) throughout the day, including saliva, lint, and bacteria. Not only are you reducing your chances of irritating your lungs, your vape may hit better without stuff clogging it!

By educating yourself on best practices for purchasing Cannabis Vaping Safety: How to Avoid Harmful Additives and Risks and maintaining a clean and safe vape, you will minimize your risks.

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